Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What am I about to do?

I love Dr. Pepper. Can I say that again? I love Dr. Pepper. I really don't remember when I started drinking Dr. Pepper. But for as long as I remember, me and Dr. Pepper have been really good friends. On a regular day, I probably go through 6 or 7 cans each day. Like I said, we're pretty tight.

But over the past few months, for one reason or another, I've started drinking more and more Dr. Pepper, all while being pretty lazy and progressively getting more out of shape. So I don't know whether to blame this on my desire NOT to have any New Year's resolutions or what, but today I decided to give up Dr. Pepper for one month, and drink only water. I've tried this one other time way back in high school, and if I remember correctly, I managed to stay off of Dr. Pepper for a few months. Since then, I've tried caffeine free, and diet, and diet caffeine free, but I always come back to Dr. Pepper.

But today, I'm going to give it one more shot. I'm really not sure if I'll keep it up or not, but I want to try it for 1 month. Hopefully, along with the drinking only water, I'll start exercising a little bit, but no promises on that part. After 1 month, I'll see if I can tell any difference in how I feel, my energy level, etc... If I can't tell any difference, then it's back to Dr. Pepper for me.

We'll I'll let you know how it goes. To borrow Disciple's album title from several years ago: "This might sting a little."

1 comment:

  1. I fully support your separation from Dr. Pepper.
    I'd have some headache medicine handy though.
    A direct drop of all that caffeine is gonna do a number on your cranium.
